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Tea Rituals & Recommendations to Embrace the Monsoon

The rhythmic melody of raindrops, the earthy scent of wet soil, and the lush greenery all around—ah, that’s the beauty of monsoon! Now imagine yourself in a cosy spot, with raindrops creating a calming melody outside, while you cradle a hot cup of tea in your hands. Isn't that a moment of pure bliss? 

Without a doubt, rain and tea are like soulmates, complementing each other with every sip. But tea is not just another beverage; it's a warm embrace, a moment of tranquillity, and an ancient traditional recipe cherished by cultures worldwide. In this blog, we have listed some delightful ways to infuse your rainy days with warmth and joy, one sip at a time.

Embrace The Monsoon With These Tea Rituals

Create Your Own Cosy Tea Spot

The key to enjoying a perfect cup of tea during monsoon lies in preparation. Creating that serene ambience can enhance your tea-drinking experience significantly. Find a cosy and quiet corner in your home, maybe a window, where you can sit sipping a steaming cup of tea and enjoying the melodious sound of rain.

Hot Snacks + Rain= Perfect Combo!

Once you’ve got the perfect setting, enter our main characters - the tasteful duo of tea and snacks! Don’t we all have that special snack reserved for monsoons? The one that tastes extra delicious when paired with a hot cup of tea and the pleasant weather outside. Choose your favourite snack, something warm and comforting, to soothe your body while the chilly rain breeze soothes your mind.

Select Your Brew

The art of brewing the perfect cup lies in experimenting with different blends and selecting the finest one that suits your preference. But here's the thrilling part: when it comes to tea, there's something special for everyone. There’s no one-size-fits-all, just a world of tea waiting to be explored! And we have got the best rainy-day tea blends for you to relish this monsoon season. 

Following are our monsoon special tea recommendations for you:

  • Kashmiri Kawha Tea

Kashmiri Kahwa is a delightful tea that weaves the flavours of saffron, almonds, and aromatic spices. Get your hands on the best Kashmiri Kawha Tea by Chymey!

  • Masala Black Tea

Masala Black Tea has a delightful blend of spices, including cardamom, cloves, and cinnamon, which awakens your senses and adds a touch of comfort to your rainy days.

  • Green Tea

You may have heard about the myriad of health benefits green teas offer, but sipping one is an experience that goes beyond expectations. We recommend you experience it for yourself! Buy green tea and let its goodness uplift your rainy days.

  • Chamomile Tea

Chamomile Tea’s gentle, floral taste resembles a warm, cosy hug tailor-made for this season. It also has several health benefits, making it a perfect combination of taste and goodness.

  • Darjeeling Tea

The “crowned jewel’ Darjeeling tea has a unique grassy, smooth and floral taste that you wouldn’t want to miss during monsoon. Buy Darjeeling tea online and let its muscatel notes transport you to the lush green hills of Darjeeling.


As raindrops play their melodic tune outside, seize the harmony of rainy days with a comforting cup of tea. It's a soul-soothing ritual that transcends taste and warms your heart with its embrace. Discover Chymey’s premium tea range to find your perfect rainy-day tea. Our teas are made with the finest ingredients from nature's lap to help you pause, relax, and cherish tranquillity. Find your perfect blend here.

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